Course Description

Beekeeper/Presenter--Maple Syrup, too

Don Snoeyink

I started making maple syrup in my back yard in about the year 2002. Just as I was about to scale up production my friend introduced me to beekeeping. That lit a fire in me that still burns brightly to this day. I absolutely love teaching about both maple syrup and honey bees. After teaching in-person classes for years, it thrills me to make these classes available online to a worldwide audience.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introducing Beekeeper/Presenter Don Snoeyink of Thornapple Woodlands, LLC

  • 2

    Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Beekeeper?

    • Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Beekeeper?

    • The Bees Need........

    • The Three Types of Bees in the Hive and Their Roles

    • The Three Types of Bees in a Hive etc.

    • How Honey Bees Make a New Queen

    • Local Sources of Pollen and Nectar

    • Are You Afraid of Getting Stung?

    • Respect but Fear NOT the Honey Bees

    • Watching the Entrance to a Beehive

  • 3

    What to Buy To Begin With Bees

    • What to Buy---The Purchase List

    • Explanation and Demonstration of What You Are Buying Part #1

    • Explanation and Demonstration of What You Are Buying Part #2

    • Explanation and Demonstration of What You Are Buying Part #3

    • How to Assemble a Hive Body

    • How to Assemble a Frame

    • Feeding Honey Bees

    • The Beesuit

    • Who Wants to Wear a Beesuit and Veil

    • How and Why To Use a Bee Smoker

    • The Bee Smoker

    • What's In My Hive Inspections "Bee Bag"?

  • 4

    Installing Live Bees Into a Hive

  • 5

    Hive Inspections

    • Indoor Hive Inspection "Simulation"

    • Hive Inspection Tips and Advice

    • Outdoor Hive Inspection

  • 6

    How Bees Make Honey and How We Harvest It

    • How Bees Make Honey

    • Adding a Honey Super and Queen Excluder

    • What It Looks Like When Bees Are Working A Honey Super

    • Removing Bees from Honey Supers Using a Leaf Blower

    • How to Harvest Honey Without an Extractor

    • Filtering Honey

    • Varroa Mites Are Enemy Number One

  • 7

    Final Remarks

    • Closing Comments for Our Beekeeping 101 Class

    • Enjoy being new to beekeeping!